Initial Conditions
The Case for Curves: Unraveling Elliptic Curves
A Brief Guide to Elliptic Curves, and Some of the Foundational Concepts behind Finite Fields, and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
This site serves as the output of my research project, supervised by Dr. Jelena Schmalz at the University of New England (UNE), specifically for the unit SCI395 - Science Report. Here, you will find information organised to facilitate understanding, and exploration of elliptic curves.
Well-posed, Ill-posed, and Chaos Theory
Differential Equations
Contents & Using This Site
What is a Set, a Group, a Ring, and a Field?
The Discrete Logarithm Problem
Elliptic Curves over ℝ
Theorem / Proof: A line connecting P and Q always intersects a third point
The Additive Inverse
Adding Points, Doubling Points: P, 2P, 3P, 4P, 8P etc.
Expanding from Weierstrass To General Form
The Projective Plane
Homogenous Equations
Elliptic Curves In a Finite Field
The Modular Multiplicative Inverse
The Slope of an Elliptic Curve (Formal Derivatives)
Arithmetic in a Finite field
Doubling Points in A Finite Field
Acknowledgements and Bibliography